Our futures team is made or players who have little to no experience in rugby before joining the club

Gussie Terry
Gussie playing in one of the first Futures scrimmages, playing one of her first ever matches
Futures Secretary
Many of our players from the last season progressed from never playing rugby before playing regularly in the 2XV squad. With some of our programs even joining the committee this year.
About the Team
We train on Monday and Thursday evenings 6-7 pm. Last year we had our largest amount of Futures joining the squad, meaning we now have our own coaches and have played several friendly matches throughout the year.
This meant we were able to have our first match experience in a more relaxed, less pressure environment that provided a great stepping stone for the girls who play for the 2XV

Flo McMahon
Flo playing in one of the first Futures scrimmages, playing one of her first matches
Social Secretary